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Rethinking Your Facilities Technology

April 10, 2023

CEOs, company managers, and C-suite executives often fight a constant uphill battle against facilities technology and digital transformation, especially since the pandemic. They see the value of it in theory, but implementing it in practice is challenging.

Facility management “solutions” that work in isolation but not together

Having multiple systems that aren’t integrated and are unable to communicate with each other is a nightmare when running a business. This results in high costs, inefficient solutions and data that is unstructured, incomparable, and very prone to error.

The complexity and risk involved in trying to make all the disparate systems work together along with the years of effort can be costly and rarely works as planned.

Employees have to swivel-chair from one system to another and deal with different interfaces and user experiences, making it time-consuming and hindering productivity targets.

This lack of seamless integration, duplicative work, and lack of investment in clean systems can leave teams feeling frustrated and confused and can lead to a decrease in faith in decision-making.

How can you be sure your insights make sense when information arrives in non-standard formats from multiple sources?

It’s a nightmare. You never know whether the data you use is accurate, up to date, or even labeled correctly between the multiple systems.

So what is the solution?

“It’s what Salesforce did for sales organizations, what Workday did for HR, and now it’s what MCIM is doing for facilities.”

After conducting an extensive examination of the core issues encountered by data-led companies, MCIM identified a repeated pattern. Numerous businesses attempt to capitalize on digital tools, yet the systems they create become increasingly disjointed and difficult to manage. Companies spend a great amount of money on integrations, reverse engineering, and patching up solutions to get everything to run, however, this is not an effective approach. As a result, corporate leaders are left feeling no more equipped than before.

That’s why we developed a solution. It’s what Salesforce did for sales organizations, what Workday did for HR, and now it’s what MCIM is doing for facilities.

MCIM provides a comprehensive solution to optimize operational processes, streamline customer experience, and automate decision-making capabilities in the boardroom. The solution is a single source of truth that allows global critical and real estate portfolios to integrate Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), digital operations, incidents, rounds, risks and assessments, capital planning, and other key components into a user-friendly and on-demand SaaS platform. With MCIM, companies reap the benefits of cost-savings, reduced stress levels, and greater sustainability through regulatory optimization and automation without the need for manual integrations or reverse engineering.

A single source of truth for your entire facilities technology asset portfolio

This single source of truth prevents rising costs, eliminates inefficient processes, and replaces point solutions that do not provide usable data and hurt your ability to make key business decisions.

Essentially, this operating system provides a comprehensive solution for technicians, supervisors, and executives, allowing them to not only optimize operational processes in the field, but to also facilitate real-time decision-making capabilities in the boardroom. As a result, organizations can realize considerable cost-savings and reduced stress levels throughout the company.

MCIM offers a comprehensive approach to asset management, enabling organizations to rethink and reimagine their management processes from the ground up. By seamlessly integrating traditional asset management technology into a dependable, highly connected operating system, users have access to a single dashboard from which they can observe all relevant metrics, facilitating deeper insights and business intelligence applications.

Breaking the silos and creating one system for all of your assets

When you switch to Mission Critical Information Management (MCIM) system, you access a vast range of capabilities in one place, including:

  • Enterprise Asset Management – manage your organizations physical assets, including buildings, equipment, machinery, and infrastructure.
  • Incident Management – identify, analyze, and resolve incidents that disrupt normal business operations and services.
  • Work Order Management – create, automate, track, and complete maintenance and repair tasks.
  • Critical Procedures – ensure your teams are using a standardized, global set of instructions and procedures to ensure safe and efficient operations.
  • Rounds Monitoring – check and monitor specific areas or equipment to ensure they are operating safely, correctly, and efficiently.
  • Capital Planning – utilize real-time data and access total cost of ownership to identify, prioritize, and allocate resources to support your company’s long-term strategic goals.
  • Spare Parts Management – manage your spare parts inventory and track the usage to ensure they are available when needed.
  • Mobile Ready – access your operating system on any number of devices, from desktop to mobile phone, from anywhere, including offline.
  • Backed in the Cloud – your data is stored safely and securely where only you can access it anytime.

Having all these capabilities in one place provides a single pane of glass for facilities operators to inhabit. Your colleagues don’t have to constantly switch between operating systems, technology solutions, and procedures to get the job done. Everything is right where they need it.

MCIM Modules - facilities technology

MCIM offers a comprehensive approach to asset management, enabling organizations to rethink and reimagine their management processes from the ground up.

“We were told it’s impossible, but we’re seeing it first hand.”

Naturally, many organizations are skeptical such systems are possible. Most C-suite executives spend decades trying to marry their solutions into a unified framework and never succeed. Telling them that MCIM is a reality feels like fantastical thinking.

But as one Vice President of Operations said after using MCIM, “we were told it’s impossible, but we’re seeing it first hand”.

His team thought combining enterprise asset management, computerized maintenance management, and data center infrastructure management was out of the question, yet he managed it when he switched to MCIM.

It’s possible because of the way MCIM was designed. Streamlined and standardized data lets managers conduct real-time analysis of multiple metrics to maximize efficiency, including:

  • Mean time between failures (MTBF)
  • Mean time to repair (MTTR)
  • Asset performance
  • Site and asset conditions
  • Budgeting and planning
  • Total cost of ownership
  • Total cost to maintain
  • And more

Everything is comprehensive and fully native, tying to the underlying data. In essence, instead of having to constantly qualify and correct data from multiple systems, you can trust what you see in MCIM to inform your decisions.

The data you need to change your business

Once you have this power, you can finally leverage genuine business intelligence. For instance, businesses that switch to MCIM have improved accuracy and reduced bias dramatically. Decisions are now made on data instead of relying on gut instinct, intuition, or emotions.

You can also engage in more proactive decision-making. Using real-time data to monitor performance and identify potential issues lets you actively course-correct when necessary. You can then make adjustments early to prevent problems before they become more serious.

With MCIM, you gain access to MCIM’s global benchmarking data, empowering you to compare your asset performance against what others are seeing, helping make decisions on SOPs and MOPs and giving you the information you need to make critical purchasing decisions.

Ultimately, innovation increases. Data-driven decision-making lets you modernize your workflows, addressing out-of-date strategies and patterns that might not be immediately obvious.

For growth minded companies looking to scale, global version control of SOPs and MOPs help reduce time creating lengthy implementation plans, tagging procedures, and more. Leveraging standards from ASHRAE, NETA, IEE, SFG20 out of the box lets you launch best practice preventative maintenance programs, strengthening your journey to large scale operations.

The value for your customers and vendors

Even more critically, MCIM lets you improve customer and stakeholder satisfaction with helpdesk support. You can leverage the power of the data platform and use it to communicate with customers, tenants, and vendors in real time. With the proper information, you can better understand their needs in relation to your own, enhancing communication and delivering solutions that make your partners and customers happy.

For instance, MCIM lets you collaborate with customers directly through the native on-platform customer portal. Customers can initiate and track work requests, stay connected with critical maintenance, and view and collaborate on SLA reporting. Consequently, they feel more confident that you are delivering on your promises and see greater value in their investment in your company.

The same benefits apply to vendors. Through MCIM’s vendor portal, they can see their status, orders, position, and other vital metrics. Everyone receives uniform information, reducing the need for back-and-forth chatter on disjointed external platforms.

Unlock your data and your potential

In today’s business landscape where data is increasingly abundant, enabling data-driven decision-making is critical. Leveraging it increases your chances of making informed choices that lead to success because it eliminates reliance on intuition and guesswork, which rarely produce results long-term.

MCIM also gives users access to global benchmarking data, helps modernize workflows and business processes, and provides a customer and vendor portal for enhanced communication and customer satisfaction. Through the use of big data and information technology, MCIM is revolutionizing the way organizations and service providers interact with the ecosystem, allowing for better pricing, new product development, and improved partnerships.

MCIM is trusted by three of the world’s top four co-location & hyper-scale providers, and eight of the top ten global banks

Don’t underestimate the power of switching your organization to MCIM . It’s something large enterprises have done all over the world. MCIM is trusted by three of the world’s top four co-location and hyper-scale providers, eight of the top ten global banks, and the cloud, technology, manufacturing, telecom, transportation, media, sports, and healthcare sectors.

MCIM is everywhere, used to manage assets in 94 countries on all 7 continents.

So what’s the bottom line?

Our message is simple: putting all your mission-critical information into a single-pane-of-glass cloud solution is now possible. It’s not pie-in-the-sky thinking anymore, but a reality thanks to MCIM.

MCIM is a comprehensive real-time data collection and analysis platform that enables business decision-makers to streamline and standardize their supply chain, asset management, computerized maintenance management, data center infrastructure management, and other essential processes.

By utilizing MCIM, you avoid the difficulties of integrating multiple systems and hoping they’ll function together. This single-source-of-truth leads to the generation of precise, unequivocal data analytics that will guide decision making. The process of combining everything into one platform is far more straightforward, which is why a multitude of businesses are taking advantage of MCIM.

Experience the power of MCIM for yourself with a free demo. Talk to an expert today to see how you can bring the power of DCIM, CMMS, ITSM, EAM, and more all into one single source of truth.

More Resources

IT OT Convergence Servicenow and MCIM
How a multi-tenant data center operator saved $500,000 and reduced downtime risk by leveraging MCIM as the source system of
Digital Inspection
Streamline compliance and enhance safety with digital inspection software. Simplify facility management and mitigate risks effectively.
mcim vs traditional dcim
Elevate data center management with MCIM. Discover how it outperforms traditional DCIM in scalability, integration, real-time insights, and more.