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Frontloading the Virtual Twin: A Complete View of Your Facility’s Assets Before Breaking Ground

April 24, 2023

What if you had complete insight into all of your assets across an entire newly constructed facility on Day Zero? Or before it was even finished?

That’s exactly what MCIM was able to provide a client with a virtual twin of their under construction 482,000 square foot facility – all before a single asset was installed.

Set up your facility management right

The lifecycle of an asset begins the day it is installed. But clarity is often missing during the construction phase. Date of installation, testing conditions, overall runtime, and more can be missed, key moments that can make a huge difference in the wear and tear on an asset, and future capital planning.

MCIM worked with the client to get ahead of its asset maintenance, frontloading the development of a virtual twin that allowed them to begin managing the facility before construction was completed.

Using approved construction drawings, electrical, mechanical, architectural layers and more, the MCIM field services team created a Phase One digital twin of the facility – and all done remotely, saving travel time and expenses.

Virtual twin by the numbers

Asset management routines and schedules ready on day zero

Commissioning Levels during data center construction

More than 1,100 assets were mapped to the space they would be installed, including orientation, proper naming structure, model, manufacturer, manuals, manufacturer notices and more, and all before any major equipment landed on site.

Armed with their entire portfolio already uploaded in MCIM, the client was able to set up all required analytics, management routines, and plan ahead for their schedules and maintenance needs instead of waiting on equipment to arrive.

Commissioning insight through each phase

This complete insight through MCIM provided the client greater real-time clarity during construction.

As assets arrived on site and during each commissioning level, the client was able to see each asset’s full commissioning history, any replacements, failures, and more. The moment an asset was installed it received a serial number and barcode and was confirmed in MCIM, with the history of the asset starting right away and allowing for all commissioning level testing to be logged as construction and installation continued.

All of this helped smooth the finalization of construction and transition to use and removed the need to track punch lists or utilize contractor platforms.

And it was quick – MCIM’s field services team was able to conduct the entire audit remotely, saving travel time and costs and getting the client from no data to 100% in a short period of time.

Virtual Audit Results

After a detailed asset audit, MCIM customers are able visualize their entire portfolio and drill down to buildings, areas, and individual assets. As the assets come online, the data is immediately available, providing real-time actionable insights

Positive impact to your bottom line

Having the right information about your data center’s assets, their condition, and overall lifecycle is critical to successful operations. With MCIM’s Virtual Audit, clients are able to get a head-start on asset management before groundbreaking for construction, gain a more accurate calculation of an asset’s usage and life, and make better capital planning decisions down the line.

Want to find out more? Schedule a quick call and we can let you know how MCIM will change the way you do business.

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